How the 2024 Australian Open has boosted the Instagram following of these tennis star partners

The spotlight on the Australian Open also means a spotlight on those sitting in the stands supporting the tennis stars – namely their partners.

The female partners of players have seen a substantial boom in their Instagram following with this year’s tournament, according to research conducted by QR Code Generator, QRFY

They used influencer marketing tools to examine the social media profiles of these figures, as well as establish approximately how much they would earn per post.

A spokesperson from QRFY said in a statement: “From managing their own careers and public personas to balancing the demands of their partner’s schedule and the constant spotlight, the pressure on [partners] can be immense. Their appearance, behaviour and their relationships face constant speculation and criticism.

“Despite these challenges, many [partners], such as Morgan Riddle, navigate this intense world with grace and resilience, and fashion their own identities while being a pillar of support to their partner.”

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